Thursday, January 27, 2011

W4, Day 3; Hungry!

Today was an average food day....I ate the same things I've been eating for weeks, but the difference was that I was hungry.  Really hungry.  Hungry before lunch.  Hungry after lunch (I had a granola bar).  Hungry waiting for dinner (I ate an apple). I have been pushing myself to eat dinner later than we used to.  Our routine was to eat around 5 p.m., but now we're shooting for 6-7 p.m., so it was a long hour before dinner.  Since I was hungry, I decided to boost the volume of my dinner by adding some baked butternut squash, a free food.  A very free food--I used the WW online tools calculator to see what the point value of one cup would be (0), 2 cups (0), 70 cups (0).  Seventy cups!!  It actually goes up to 999 cups, and yup, still free.  Which is just silly, obviously, because no one could eat that much squash in one day, but it gave me comfort too to know that if I ever got really hungry, well, there are always squash options.  I also enjoyed the squash simply because I couldn't help notice that it looked a bit naughty....but maybe that's just me.  :)

I also had some of the leftover macaroni and cheese, which I really like (see recipe posted on the Week 3, Day 7 post).  It doesn't taste exactly like the bright orange boxed stuff or the way Grandma used to make it, but it's still good.  And perhaps it tastes even better knowing that it's much better for me.

Lastly, I'll admit to you all that I did end my day with a piece of cake.  Well, half a piece of cake--I shared it with my husband because it was a huge piece.  Cake, you say?!  Cake?!  What about WW?!  What about your weight loss?!  What about the children?!  No, but seriously, sometimes I just need to have something I enjoy.  I have been craving cake, just plain ol' cake for three weeks.  The craving hasn't let up, in fact it's getting worse, so I decided to indulge it--in moderation.  That's the key, right? is good.

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