Weigh day today: 198.2. This puts me down exactly 3.0 pounds, which is pretty awesome. I'm still above when I was before Christmas by four or five pounds, but I'm under 200 pounds and three pounds is a great loss for a week, especially because I went overboard each day this weekend.
I am finding it more difficult to stay motivated this time around, but I'm excited about this week's loss and I'm hoping to see my body return to what it was pre-Christmas. I was wearing a pair of older slacks today that felt pretty tight around the waist, so I know the extra weight is still sitting around my middle (as if I couldn't see it). In a few more weeks, I think I'll be right back on track.
Last week I only hit the gym three times, which isn't great considering that before Christmas I was going 4-6 times a week, but I'm going to try for at least four times this week. Baby steps, right? From my experience this last year, I guess I've learned that this process is a marathon, not a short sprint. Unfortunately, I'm not going to lose all the weight in a few months. But maybe that's okay. Even if that magically happened, I don't think I would be ready to maintain that weight because my mind's not ready. I think my huge gain over vacation shows that I still struggle with food (or my nightly need for chocolate might be an indicator too). Baby steps.
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