Tuesday, August 9, 2011

W32, Day 1: Weigh Day... Woo hoo hoo!

Weigh day today and for once, I'm bubbling over with eagerness to tell it.  I'm at 205.0, putting me -2.0 for the week and -24.0 pounds total with 55 pounds still to go.  So far this year, this is lowest point that I have been at, which makes me feel good because it means that I am finally on track again and making progress.  This is awesome because it encourages me to keep getting up at the crack of dawn so that I can exercise before work.  Today was the second day of the 5 a.m. wake-up and it really wasn't so bad.  The biggest difficulty (besides sleepiness) seems to be that I need to eat something for breakfast quickly before hitting the gym, but I really don't feel like eating at that time.  It's just too early to be hungry.  I've been forcing myself to push down a Greek yogurt though and off we go.  Apparently it's paying off.

Today I also logged into Weight Watchers and recorded my weight for the last time...at least for a while.  Then I deleted my account.  It's sort of strange to be free-floating.  WW has been such a huge part of my life since May 2007 when I joined after my birthday that year.  I knew what I wanted then:  to be healthy and young.  Now I would add 'strong' to that list, but otherwise the goals remain the same.  In teaching, we scaffold the concepts we teach kids so that at first they do things entirely with you.  Then they demonstrate that concept with support before finally doing it all on their own.  This applies to my lifestyle change in the same way.

In the last few years, Weight Watchers has held my hand down the path to healthful eating.  I have learned a lot, really and truly.  But I think I may have learned the tools I need to be successful and now I'm ready to try it on my own with support.  That's where MyFitnessPal comes in.  I get to make my own calorie choices with a wider range of foods.  You might be thinking, "Wait a minute, I can eat whatever I want on WW, what's she talking about?"  That's true, sort of.  But the difficulty is that eating any of those less healthy foods (like bread, peanut butter, granola bars, etc.) takes a huge portion of one's daily points.  It's a much smaller proportion of my daily intake in calorie form.  In short, I get a lot more calories per day than points.  I'm eating more.  I'm just hoping that all that eating doesn't lead to gain.  So far it's working though.

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