Sunday, January 16, 2011

W2, Day 6; Food Experiments

Today was a day of cooking exploration.  Somehow it's always easier to cook for fun on the weekends.  On the weeknights, I'm so tired after work (and so hungry!) that cooking is simply a chore.  I'm sure many other people can relate.  Anyway, today I tried out three new foods.  The first one doesn't really count as cooking. When I first joined Weight Watchers years ago, I used to drink Slim Fasts as a quick breakfast.  I'm not really a breakfast person (especially at 6 a.m.), but it's easy and high in calcium, protein, and fiber.  The problem is, it doesn't really stick with me.  A couple of hours later, I'm hungry all over again.  This time, however, since all fruits are free foods, I decided to try and turn it into a smoothie.  I blended the Slim Fast with a banana, a bit of orange, and a few pieces of canned peaches and pears.  It was....great.  It was thicker and it really tasted good--and even better, it held back the hunger for about four hours.  Excellent.  I can tell this is going to be a regular breakfast.

For lunch, I made a recipe from my new cookbook.  So good!  It was polenta cooked with corn and mixed with parmesan cheese, topped with an egg poached in ramekins, and garnished with crumbled bacon, tomato, basil, salt, and pepper.  Yum!  I altered the recipe a bit to add an extra egg and a second slice of bacon, but the whole dish fit right in my food plan, so I was happy with the meal.  I think I'll have it for lunch tomorrow.  :)

Here's the recipe if you're interested:

For dinner, I made another new recipe.  It was a sort of ground beef and vegetable casserole with a breaded crust on top.  I picked this recipe because it's full of vegetables--in fact, I added extra zucchini and carrots to make it a bit more filling.  While it's not my all-time favorite pot pie, my husband and I both liked the flavor of this recipe and I liked how there are several servings so we'll have dinner for a couple more nights. Woo hoo!  Next time, I think I'll add a little chopped spinach to the dish too.

Tomorrow, I have one more recipe for corn and leek chowder that I want to try.  I feel that the more I cook on the weekend for the week ahead, the less tempted I'll be to eat out.  We'll see!

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